Bree Rappaport

  • Art has been a way for me to understand the world around me, bad or good, boring or exhilarating. I have been working as an art educator, and it is my favourite thing to facilitate play and creativity through art. Perhaps that is why I am often drawn to collaborating with other artists, and people within my own fine art practice! I am so thankful that I have art in my life. I think I would be lost without it!

  • I used the same user name as my instagram handle. Bree Thee Free! Don't we all strive to feel free in our lives?

  • That is such a great question. I don't know if I really wanted to become an artist when I was younger, because I didn't think it could have been an option. I am still building up my confidence in calling myself an artist. The title holds so much weight for me, and my expectations. Being an artist gives me purpose, it helps me connect with people from all over and I am striving to build paths to travel with my art too! I feel very much that I have so much growth ahead of me as an artist, and that I am still becoming the artist I am hope to be!

  • Oh man, I have so many! I am that person who brings a sketchbook, and pen everywhere I go. Seriously, tiny ones for when I need to travel light.

    When I am fidgety, weighing for a meal at a restaurant or at an endless chitchaty social obligation, a drawing game is my saving grace. I've been using exquiste-corspe-style drawing games to get me out of boredom, ever since I can remember!

    I use drawing games, to save any drab art class too!

  • Black, pastel green, pink, and pastel blue. Love pastel colours, they are so calming and pleasing to the eye, and black just grounds everything... should I even say black because it's technically not a colour?

  • a mug of tea, a cat, a sparkle explosion

  • I am working on some more animations right now. Along with visual art, I like to make music. I play the clarinet and am in a band where we play improvisational music. This project will involve members from my band, videos and my animations rotoscoped over top! Stay tuned!


Colouring by @breethefree
Sections by @breethefree @AndaPanda @carrieguss

Colouring by @breethefree
Sections by @AndaPanda @james_essex @breethefree