Justin LaGuff
My name is Justin LaGuff. I am a printmaker and Illustrator based in Guelph, ON. I like comics, camping, and terrible music. I care too much about art history and drawing.
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jlaguff
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlaguff/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jlaguff -
I favour analogous combinations such as red and orange, and a lot of that has to do with nostalgia. The colours that I choose often come from old toys, video games, comics and magazine advertisements; I am often drawn to colours that feel manufactured and plastic. Mauve and Teal are also nice.
Forests and Babewyns, the two often criss-cross with each other and come from memory. but generally, I have a tendency to seek out images that feel schematic, doodled, and broken up.
Books, and printed media are personal to me, especially their notions of archive and distribution. The chance to make images that can be elected to the statues of those objects -to be shared, held, and talk about art whenever- motivates me the most.
A 1x2 lego brick, an empty coffee cup, and maybe some pocket change
Colouring by @jlaguff
Sections by @mitchellkeys @jlaguff @kam_jam_fam
Colouring by @jlaguff
Sections by @thestickkid @gchoule @jlaguff