Robb Mirsky

  • I'm Robb Mirsky, an illustrator and cartoonist in Toronto. I've been self publishing comic books for 20 years, and design and co-run a t-shirt company with my wife called My Moving Parts.

  • I've always known i wanted to draw forever.

  • anything high contrast. Make the colours pop!

  • Yes! I've made many friends by collaborating on art with others. We all learn from each other, sharing tips, process or just being inspired by each other's different ways of seeing things.

  • Exquisite corpse games are always a fun ice breaker when hanging out with new people or shy friends. Drawing is not inherently a social activity but drawing games like this bring people out of their shells and interacting with people they might not have otherwise.


Colouring by @mirsktoons
Sections by @miriah @lhalasz @mirsktoons

Sections by @mirsktoons @james_essex @thestickkid